Title of the article | The Preaching of the Order of Friars Minor (Bernardins) in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 18th century (particularly in the Saxon epoch) | ||||||||
Authors | Wolański Filip - Wroclaw University | ||||||||
In the section | Commentarii/Articles | ||||||||
Year | 2011 | Issue | 2 | Pages | 71-78 | ||||
Type of article | RAR | Index UDK | 94(474.5) | Index BBK | |||||
Abstract | The article deals with the function of the preaching in the Lithuanian Orders of Friars Minor (Bernardins) in the 18th century. The purpose of the present analysis is structure and amount of this part of the Order, the relationships between the monks and the noblemen and their support for the Bernardins, education of the preachers in the Order and their position in the convent. The next topic is the sermon`s output of the Bernardinian preachers. The sermons of Ludwik Bychowiec, Juwenalis Charkiewicz, Michał Paszkiewicz, Kazimierz Romanowski, Donat Szyszko and anonymous sermons from the Bielarussian convents are mainly used in this paper. The most of these homilies deals with the Christologic cults, the cults of the Holy Mary and the Saint`s cults. That was important factor to create Roman-Catholic identities in the Catholic part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania society in the 18th century, integrated Catholics around symbolically communicated truths about their faith. | ||||||||
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Full text version of the article | Article language | Polish | ||||||
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