Krivosheev Y. V., Sokolov R. A. The Battle on the Ice (1242): investigators and investigations

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Title of the article The Battle on the Ice (1242): investigators and investigations

Krivosheev, Yury Vladimirovich – Doctor in History, Head of the Department of Regional Studies, Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., OrcID, Scopus ID 56291847900, SPIN-код: 5419-0809, AuthorID: 157154;

Sokolov, Roman Aleksandrovich – Ph. D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of Regional Studies, Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., OrcID, Scopus ID 56292081700, SPIN-код: 6648-1762, AuthorID: 559724
In the section Commentarii / Articles
Year 2014 Issue 1 Pages 3-10
Type of article RAR Index 913.1/913.8 Index BBK 63.3(2)43
Abstract Sincethelate 1930s Soviet historical studies paid great attention to the affairs of Alexander Nevsky and in particular to his famous victory on the ice of Chudskoe lake on April 5th, 1242. However, until the end of the 1950s only two professional scholars (E. C. Paklar and M. N. Tikhomirov) made field studies at the scene. Their works had not only gained tangible results but also had stimulated the organization of the Complex expedition for more precise localization of the Battle on the Ice that worked under the aegis of the Soviet Academy of Sciences at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s. Its conclusions, considered for a long period to be generally accepted, are nowadays challenged without due argumentation. Nevertheless, investigations in archives, interviews with the participants of the main explorations, and some recent field studies conducted by the Department of Regional Studies of St. Petersburg State University prove trustworthiness of the data obtained by G. N. Karaev and his colleagues..
Keywords Alexander Nevsky, Battle on the Ice, expedition of G. N. Karaev, Voroniy Kamen’
Full text version of the article Article language russian
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Tags: Alexander Nevsky, Battle on the Ice, expedition of G. N. Karaev, Voroniy Kamen’, Ledovoe poboische, Karaev, N.G.