Plans of military cooperation of the Teutonic Order and Russia in 1517–1522
Lobin, Alexei – Ph. D. in History, Head of scientific and methodic development group, the National Congress palace, St. Petersburg, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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A mutual approach of Konigsberg and Mosсow had started in 1515 when the project of joint offensive alliance of the Empire, the Order and Russia was first generally outlined. After the Empire had quitted the coalition the only war ally for Russia was the Teutonian Order, but its weakness was evident. In 1517 first real steps to form the Russian-Teutonian alliance had been made. By 1517 the Grand Master ensured to start military activity against Poland king in case of material and financial support from Russia. In exchange Russian side promised to support the Grand Master and to defend his land, if only the Order announced war. As a result the head of the Order Albrecht of Brandenburg ratified all the points of the Moscow agreements. In 1519–1522 a charge of silver estimated about 37 000 guldens was delivered from Pskov to Prussia. Although Teutonian Order had been defeated the short-lived Russian-Teutonian alliance was useful for Russia. This alliance, even fragile, had forced Poland to keep the troops on its territory in case of a war with Teutonian Order and because of that after 1518 Poland could not help Grand Duchy of Lithainia with neither mercenaries, nor volunteers. In 1518–1520 Russian troops entered within the borders of GDL not once, rarely being opposed. And as a final result the Smolensk region stayed Russian after the truce.
military service, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russian-German relations, the Teutonic Order in Prussia, the Russian-Lithuanian war, anti-Jagiellonowie coalition
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