Smirnova, Dina Dmitrievna, The message of the Novgorodian archbishop Feodosiy to Ustjuzhna Jeleznopolskaya:about the sources and authors’s style

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Title of the article The message of the Novgorodian archbishop Feodosiy to Ustjuzhna Jeleznopolskaya:about the sources and authors’s style
Authors Smirnova, Dina Dmitrievna – post-graduate of St.-Petersburg State University, St.-Petersburg, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the section Fontes / Historical sources
Year 2013 Issue 1 Pages 142-156
Type of article RAR Index UDK 930. 272 Index BBK 63.2+ 3(0)4
Abstract This article analyzes one of the messages of Novgorodian Archbishop Feodosiy (1491–1563): «The message in Ustyuzhna Zhelezopolskaya». Its information on the history ofthe Novgorod church are studied, the questions of the activities of desyatinnik’s mentioned in themessage were analyzed. Both textual analysis of the quotes used in the message andtheir com-parison with the sources was made. Feodosiy’s literary style was also explored, his skillful usingof the traditions of the church practices was discovered.
Keywords Source studies, Russian history of the 16th century, the novgorodian archbishop Feodosiy, Ustyuzhna, desiatinniki
Full text version of the article Article language Russian
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Tags: Source studies, Ustjuzhna, desjatinniki, 16th century, Feodosiy, novgorodian archbishop , Feodosiy, FONTES / HISTORICAL SOURCES