Sirenov, A. V. The legitimation of the image of the Saint: on the issue of the authenticity of the relics of Alexander Nevsky

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Title of the article The legitimation of the image of the Saint: on the issue of the authenticity of the relics of Alexander Nevsky
Authors Sirenov, Aleksey Vladimirovitch — Doctor in History, St. Petersburg State University, Institute of History, St. Petersburg, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the section Miscellanea / Miscellanea
Year 2016 Issue 1 Pages 100-109
Type of article RAR Index DOI
DOI 10.21638/11701/spbu19.2016.107
Index UDK, BBK ББК 63.2, УДК 930.85
Abstract The article is devoted to the history of the relics of Alexander Nevsky. The author assumes that the description of the «invention» of the relics in 1481 didn’t reflect the reality. In the actual fact, the relics had been kept on the surface of the ground in a stone tomb since the funeral until 1697, when they were solemnly put in a special reliquary. The stone sarcophagus protected the relics of Alexander Nevsky against numerous fires. The article cites and publishes the note put in the coffin of Alexander Nevsky in 1681, which told that after a fire the fragments of the relics had been collected together. Therefore, the relics of Alexander Nevsky should be deemed authentic.
Keywords the relics of Alexander Nevsky, Russian history of  the 15th–17th centuries, veneration of saints, Old Russian culture, historical memory
Full text version of the article. Article language English
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Tags: historical memory, MISCELLANEA / MISCELLANEA, relics of Alexander Nevsky, veneration of saints, Old Russian culture