Oparina, T. A. The Alchemist, the Janissaries and «relatives of the Byzantine Tsars»: Palaeologus in Russia in the late 16th – first half of the 17th century

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Title of the article The Alchemist, the Janissaries and «relatives of the Byzantine Tsars»: Palaeologus in Russia in the late 16th – first half of the 17th century
Authors Oparina, Tatyana Anatolyevna ― Ph. D. in History, Professor, the Dean of the faculty of Fine Arts in the Academy of painting, sculpture and architecture, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Scopus ID 57192433262
In the section Miscellanea / Miscellanea
Year 2016 Issue 1 Pages 131-158
Type of article RAR Index DOI DOI 10.21638/11701/spbu19.2016.109 Index UDK, BBK УДК 94(47 ).046-048; ББК 63.3(2)46
Abstract  identify themselves as Palaeologus. Dynasty of the last Emperor of Byzantium was interrupted by the beginning of the 16th century and from that time began to appear numerous «descendants». They were considered the true heirs of the Imperial family by the Christian patriarchs of the East, rulers of Moldavia and Wallachia and Western Europe. Some of them moved to Russia, hoping to use the famous name to enter the privileged class. Russian authorities readily responded to similar requests for Russian citizenship. However, most Palaeologus did not reach a significant status in Russia. One Paleologus turned out to be an alchemist and was exiled to Kazan and his companion after 30 years in exile declared himself a direct descendant of Alexander the Great. Another Paleologus, a former Janissaries, couldn’t keep the corporation of Moscow nobility. The real success of the promotion in Russian society made other immigrants: Murzas. They and their descendants joined the ranks of the Russian nobility.
Russian-Greek relations, Migration from the Ottoman Empire and its vassal states, genealogy, biography, foreigners in the Russian part of the privileged class
Full text version of the article. Article language Russian
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Tags: genealogy, MISCELLANEA / MISCELLANEA, Russian-Greek relations, Migration from the Ottoman Empire and its vassal states, biography, foreigners in the Russian part of the privileged class, OPARINA T. A.