Pryshliak V.V. The Ukrainian Hetmanate during the years of Danylo Apostol’s rule: review of archival collections of documents and materials of Saint-Petersburg Written by Сосницкий Дмитрий Александрович on 21 January 2014.
Tairova (Yakovleva), Tatyana Gennad’evna, The Project of the Edition of the Inventory of the Little Russia’s Order (Malorossijskij Prikaz) Written by Сосницкий Дмитрий Александрович on 02 December 2013.
Tairova-Yakovleva, Tatiana. The Ukrainian Hetmanate during the years of I. Mazepa’s rule (the reply to the opponents) Written by Сосницкий Дмитрий Александрович on 20 June 2014.
Tairova, T. G. The Biography of Samoilo Velychko, the Author of the Famous Cossack’s Chronicle Written by Сосницкий Дмитрий Александрович on 31 December 2016.