«Hanseatic» summer school at the Novgorod state university named after Yaroslav the Wise Written by Смирнова Светлана Сергеевна on 30 December 2021.
Bukharin, Mikhail Dmitrievich. V. Jagić and ukrainian question: The Letter to F. E. Korsch Written by Смирнова Светлана Сергеевна on 08 July 2023.
In search of the «Third Rome» in the homeland of Philotheus Written by Смирнова Светлана Сергеевна on 27 December 2023.
Voloshina, Valentina Yurievna; Korzun, Valentina Pavlovna. Six by five: Soviet and emigrant historians at the 7th International congress of historical sciences Written by Смирнова Светлана Сергеевна on 08 July 2023.