Bukharin, Mikhail Dmitrievich. V. Jagić and ukrainian question: The Letter to F. E. Korsch

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For citation: Bukharin, Mikhail Dmitrievich. V. Jagić and ukrainian question: The letter to F. E. Korsch, in Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana. 2023. № 1. Pp. 111-118. DOI https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu19.2023.109

Title of the article V. Jagić and ukrainian question: The letter to F. E. Korsch

Bukharin, Mikhail Dmitrievich — Dr. Sc. in History, Chief Researcher, Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, Orc ID 0000-0002-3590-016X, Scopus ID 16308918000, Spin-code 5572-7523; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In the section  Fontes / Historical Sources
Year 2023 Issue 1 Pages 111-118
Type of article RAR Index UDK; BBK UDK 94(497.2)+94(470):929”14/15”; BBK 63.2(3),79.3 Index DOI https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu19.2023.109

The article was prepared in frames of the project «Slavic studies in exchange: Austria and Russia in 18491939» (№ 21-59-14001 ANF_a) of the Russian Center for Scientific Information.

One of the key-points of the socio-political discourse in the Russian Empire in the XIX ‒ early XX centuries was Slavic question. Ukrainian question was its particular manifestation. The aggravation of discussions on the Slavic issues, as a rule, followed the dynamics of foreign policy. Interest in the Ukrainian issue increased due to the adoption of censorship measures by the Russian state, which varied from tightening to softening of the censorship regime. The Ukrainian question in Russian socio-political thought was debated mainly in the discussion, if the Ukrainian («Little Russian») people represent an independent ethnic group or is a local version of the «Great Russians». Depending on the answer to this question, the ideal structure of the Russian state was going to be worked out. The Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences took an active part in the discussion of the Slavic question in general (and that of Ukrainian in particular) and in the adoption of appropriate measures, acting as an expert body. Discussions were conducted not only at the institutional level, but also at the private one. In research literature, the scholarly world on this issue is divided into two camps, one of which (liberal-nationalist) was represented mainly by P. B. Struve, and the other — by his numerous opponents (for example, by F. E. Korsh). As documents from the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences show, the history of discussion on the Ukrainian issue before the First World War was broader, more scholars, also representing the Academy of sciences were involved. In particular, the position of one the most prominent European Slavist of the late XIX ‒ early XX centuries I. V. Jagić deserves attention. His position on the Ukrainian problem, which worried Jagić for several decades, is especially pronounced in the last letter to F. E. Korsh dated April 9 (22), 1912.

Keywords Slavic question, Ukrainian question, St.-Petersburg Imperial Academy of Sciences, Slavic studies, V. Jagić, F. E. Korsch
Full text version of the article Article language  Russian

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Tags: historiography, FONTES / HISTORICAL SOURCES, 20th century, history of science, historical sources, Slavistics

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