Ravančić G. Preparation for a Good Death in the last wills of Dubrovnik citizens from the late 13th and Mid-14th century and the Influence of the Black Death to the perception of Afterlife Written by Сосницкий Дмитрий Александрович on 22 December 2014.
Zrinka Pešorda Vardić, Gordan Ravančić. Vrijeme umiranja. Crna smrt u Dubrovniku 1348.–1349., Zagreb: Hrvatskiinstitut za povijest, 2010 (Biblioteka Hrvatska povjesnica). 240 s. ISBN 978-953-6324-94-12013. No 1. Январь—Июнь235Recensiones / Рецензии Written by Сосницкий Дмитрий Александрович on 02 December 2013.