Zrinka Pešorda Vardić, Gordan Ravančić. Vrijeme umiranja. Crna smrt u Dubrovniku 1348.–1349., Zagreb: Hrvatskiinstitut za povijest, 2010 (Biblioteka Hrvatska povjesnica). 240 s. ISBN 978-953-6324-94-12013. No 1. Январь—Июнь235Recensiones / Рецензии

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Title of the article Gordan Ravančić. Vrijeme umiranja. Crna smrt u Dubrovniku 1348.–1349., Zagreb: Hrvatskiinstitut za povijest, 2010 (Biblioteka Hrvatska povjesnica). 240 s. ISBN 978-953-6324-94-12013. No 1. Январь—Июнь235Recensiones / Рецензии

 Zrinka Pešorda Vardić

In the section Recensionis / Reviews
Year 2013 Issue 1 Pages 224-235
Type of article RAR Index UDK 94(497.5) Index BBK 63/3(4)4
Abstract The review of the book of the Croatian historian Gordan Ravančić «Vrijeme umiranja.Crna smrt u Dubrovniku 1348.-1349.» (Zagreb: Croatian Institute for History, 2010. 240 p.). Thebook examines and analyses the plague epidemic that struck Dubrovnik in 1348. The author ofthe review notes the complex character of Ravančić’s book, its innovatory approach to the studyof a number of historical problems, and its importance for the study of both the epidemic of 1348,which is known to be one of the most terrible disasters of the Middle Ages, and the history ofmedieval Dubrovnik as well as the history of medieval everyday life.
Keywords Dubrovnik, black death, 1348, medieval town
Full text version of the article Article language russian
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Tags: black death, medieval town