Czapiewski E. Presence of Russia on the Baltic Sea in the 18th and begin of the 19th centuries

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Title of the article Obecność rosji nad bałtykiem w xviii i na początku xix wieku [Presence of Russia on the Baltic Sea in the 18th and begin of the 19th centuries]
Authors Czapiewski, Edward - Doctor of History, University of Lower Silesia, Wrocław, Poland, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the section Commentarii / Articles
Year 2014 Issue 1 Pages 133-143
Type of article RAR Index UDK 94(47).066, 071-072 Index BBK 63.2 (2) 46
Abstract The author of the article aims at tracing the genesis of political and military actions undertaken by the Russian state towards the territories by the Baltic Sea. He achieves this aim by demonstrating the expediency of the policy pursued gradually, step by step, by the Russian state. In order to consolidate its position and conquer new territories, it was necessary for the Russian state to weaken Sweden and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Rzeczpospolita) and at the same time to ensure the neutral position of Prussia and other large European states. Fighting against Sweden originally resulted in the Russian empire’s joining the southern part of Finland, and then, as a result of the last partition of Poland (in 1795), the Russian empire annexed ethnic Lithuania and Courland. As a result of the war with Sweden in 1806-1809, the whole territory of Finland was incorporated into the Russian empire. The annexation of large territories on the Baltic Sea and joining of the lands, which had a different history and social development, became a reason for which Alexander I decided to pursue a more liberal policy in relation to the population of these territories in comparison with the policy that was pursued in relation to the population living in other areas of the Russian state.
Keywords Russian empire, Baltic region, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Russian-Swedish wars, international relations
Full text version of the article. Article language Polish
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Tags: Russian Empire, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Russian-Swedish wars, Baltic region