Dorobisz J. Tomas Zamoyski and the Swedish Question in the years 1624-1635

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Title of the article Tomasz Zamoyski and the Swedish Question in 1624–1635
Authors Dorobisz, Janusz – Doctor in History, Opole University, Opole, Poland, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the section Commentarii / Articles
Year 2014 Issue 1 Pages 77-87
Type of article RAR Index UDK 94(438).04 Index BBK 63.3(2) Польша
Abstract Tomasz Zamoyski during his lifespan (1594–1638) was voivode of Podolia (1617–1618), Kiev (1618–1628), vice chancellor and then chancellor. He was concerned about Swedish issue, which was shown in his letters and public appearance. The Swedish throne was lost by the Polish branch of House of Vasa in the end of XVI century. This fact lead to conflict between the two lines of royal household, Polish-Swedish war in Duchy of Livonia and Prussia. Conflict Polish-Swedish was also an element of rivalry between two countries with dominum Maris Baltici, and was another element of the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648).Tomasz Zamoyski took part in two unsuccessful Polish-Swedish negotiation (1626, 1628). The voivode also took the part in the Prussian campaign from 1626 and lost for the side Polish battle under Gniew. He tried about the royal hetman dignity then, and did not receive her when the royal troops left the camp shortly before the meeting of the parliament in Torun at the end of 1626. Under the pretext of illness he did not appear on the diets and did not participate in the war, which in 1629 ended the truce in Altmark. Under his shameful conditions Tomasz Zamoyski, the Vice-Chancellor of the Crown, not put his seal and sealed the system Chancellor James Zadzik, and the parliament ratified the agreement. He strongly supported Sigmund III Vasa’s claim for Swedish throne and was unwilling to make any concession.
Keywords Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Sweden, Livonia, Polish-Swedish wars, international relations
Full text version of the article. Article language Russian
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Tags: Livonia, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Polish-Swedish wars, Sweden