Charvát P. The inchoate State of Bohemia

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Authors  Charvat Petr - University of West Bohemia at Plzeň, Czech Republic
In the section  Commentarii / Articles
Year 2012 Issue  1 Pages  27-50
Type of article RAR Index UDK  94(437) Чехия Index BBK  
Abstract  This is a contribution on the studies of the emergence of the state in the Czech Republic after 1990. The original model, supposing one will behind the establishment of the duchy of Bohemia and seeing in it a huge redistribution mechanism which went out of function in the 13th century, is currently undergoing a thorough review and critique. Contributions by specialists in archaeology, philology and numismatics shed new light on the results of historical studies. Present-day Czech research focuses on such topics as the character of the fi rst medieval populations of Bohemia, their integration into the networks of long-distance trade, development of Bohemian elites throughout the 7th-9th centuries, slow but steady progress towards statehood and events of the crucial 9th century. The nature and character of the inchoate Bohemian state of the 10th century, with interconnected questions of its elites and their social and spiritual standing, have also received attention of Czech scholars.
Keywords  Czech historiography, early Middle Ages, state formation, archaeology, Indo-European studies
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Tags: early Middle Ages, Czech historiography, state formation, Indo-European studies