Belov, Nikita Vasilyevich. Herman Kazansky’s demarche against the «Oprichnina»: Historical realities and interpretations

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For citation: Belov, Nikita Vasilyevich. Herman Kazansky’s demarche against the «Oprichnina»: Historical realities and interpretations, in Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana. 2021. № 2. Pp. 145-163. DOI

Title of the article Herman Kazansky’s demarche against the «Oprichnina»: Historical realities and interpretations

Belov, Nikita Vasilyevich — lector, «Vzmach Educational Complex», St. Petersburg, Russia, Orc ID, SPIN-code 8625-8055; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In the section  Miscellanea / Miscellanea
Year 2021 Issue 2 Pages 145-163
Type of article RAR Index UDK; BBK UDK 930+94(470)+929; BBK 86.372.24-64 Index DOI 
Abstract This article discusses the debatable question about the demarche of Herman Kazansky against the Oprichnina. The author analyzes this event and suggests that Herman supported Metropolitan Philip (Kolychev) in his speech against the expansion of the Oprichnina policy in 1567. Over time, Herman’s act began to become overgrown with ecclesiastical legends. In the Life of the saint, written in the 1660s at the behest of the Kazan Metropolitan Lawrence II, it was first said, that Herman defended Metropolitan Philip during the Council trial in the fall of 1568. After the inspection of Herman’s relics in 1889, a version of his death at the hands of the oprichniks appears in the church press. Thus, by the early 20th century, the eparchial government of Kazan presented Herman as a martyr who stood up for the disgraced Metropolitan Philip and was executed by order of Ivan the Terrible. Sources from the 16th century completely refutes the first part of this image, the act of opening the relics of Herman of Kazan in May 1923 — the second one.
Keywords Herman of Kazan, Ivan IV the Terrible, Metropolitan Philip (Kolychev), Kazan Diocese, Oprichnina, Life of Herman of Kazan, uncovering of relics, construction of historical memory
Full text version of the article. Article language  Russian

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Tags: Ivan the Terrible, 16th century, historical memory, medieval studies, MISCELLANEA / MISCELLANEA, historical source, cultural studies

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