Abstract |
The paper deals with a historiography incursion in the issue of Romanians’ ethnogenesis. Precisely, with a concrete phase of its history: Romanization. We have to mention that, in point of theoretical approach on issue, there is no consensus. Actually, the controversy mainly refers to two stands on. The first one strongly states the fact that population of Ancient Dacia was Romanized, at a large extend, under the impact of Roman civilization factor. So that, the symbiosis between Dacians and Romans gave birth to new people as known in historiography as protoromanians, lately - Romanians (or Vlachs, the exo denomination of Oriental Roman populations of Balkans’ and Carpatho-Danubian areas, in the Middle Age). The above mention data has to do with the theory of continuity. It is to say that, a considerable number of Romanian historians support this conception. Among them most famous names are those of: Xenopol A.D., Iorga N., Parvan V., Giurescu C. and many others. Starting with the end оf XVIII th century the Romanization became the most invocated component of north Danubian Vlachs national identity. The other point of view on Romanization process and its contribution to Romanians’ ethnogenesis refers to the so called theory of migration. This theory was, for the first time, formulated by the Austrian researcher Rӧesler Robert. He insisted on the fact that Romanized population on left bank of Danube migrated from the right side of the River in the XIIIth century, as forced by the social-political environment. In reality, the migration theory does not agree on consistence of the Roman civilization impact on Dacia. So that it affirms the weak traces of this influence were wept off by the consequent migration flows. Important turn on considering Romanization is registered in the works of Lucian Boia, Ioan Aurel Pop and other contemporary scholars. The authors try to deconstruct a great deal of mythology related to Romanians’ ethnogenesis and the radicated conceptual cliché, which makes difficult pursuit of scientific investigation in the field. |
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