Arzhakova L.M., Yakubsky V.A. Оn the issue of an interpretation of the events of September, 1939 in the educational and popular literature

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Title of the article  Оn the issue of an interpretation of the events of September, 1939 in the educational and popular literature
Authors  Arzhakova L.M., Yakubsky V.A. - Saint-Petersburg State University
In the section Commentarii / Articles
Year 2009 Issue  1-2 Pages  37-44
Type of article RAR Index UDK  94(438).082.1 Index BBK  
Abstract  Polemics about whom and to what extend could be charged for unleashing the Second World War, started as known with German invasion to Poland, is still lasting for almost 70 years. This article is considered with closely related issue of how some modern Russian and Polish nonacademic publications treat the Soviet-Polish war of 1939.
Keywords  history of Poland, second world war
Full text version of the article Article language  

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Tags: Second World War, history of Poland