Todorov B.A. Byzantine myths of origins ahd their function

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Title of the article  Byzantine myths of origins ahd their function
Authors  Todorov B.A. - Yonsei University (Seoul)
In the section  Commentarii / Articles
Year 2008 Issue  2 Pages  64-72
Type of article RAR Index UDK  94(495).01 Index BBK  
Abstract  The essay points to the risks of trusting Byzantine views of the origins of other nations. The origin of a people was continuously re-modeled over time because of the particular aims particular texts pursued. Todorov associates such changes of perspective with the needs of Byzantine diplomacy. Emperors assigned different rulers different dignities depending on the origin of their people and the imagined historical continuity of their relations with the empire.
Keywords ethnogenesis of slaves, Balkans, Byzantine empire, Constantine Porphirogenet
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Tags: Byzantine empire, Balkans, ethnogenesis of slaves, Constantine Porphirogenet