Hoptová, Luciána. The current status of teaching the history of the Slavic states in Slovak schools

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Title of the article The current status of teaching the history of the Slavic states in Slovak schools
Authors Hoptová, Luciána — Ph. D. in History, Institute of History of the Faculty of Arts, Prešov University, Prešov, Slovakia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Scopus ID 57201322089
Year 2017 Issue 2 Pages 157-171
Type of article RAR Index UDK; BBK BBK 63.3(0); UDK 94 Index DOI 10.21638/11701/spbu19.2017.212
History is a separate subject that is taught at all levels of Slovak schools. This subject is taught at primary (5–9th grade) and secondary schools in accordance with the state educational program issued by the State Pedagogical Institute and subsequently approved by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic for each type of school. State thematic programs include thematic units, including the history of Slavic states. A special category is represented by Slovak university colleges, which offer more space to teach the history of Slavic states. The aim of the paper is to present the content of the subject of history at primary and secondary schools in the Slovak Republic with an emphasis on the history of Slavic states. Attention is also paid to the teaching of subjects related to the history of Slavic states at Slovak universities.
Keywords Slovakia, history, Slavic state, state educational program, primary and secondary school, high educational institution
Full text version of the article. Article language Russian
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Tags: history, Slovakia, Slavic state, state educational program, secondary school, primary school, primary and secondary school, high education, high educational institution, high school, Slavic Congress, teaching the history of Slavic states, HOPTOVA L.