Dvornichenko A. Yu. Tribal structures and Slavic politogenesis (Some remarks)

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Tribal structures and Slavic politogenesis (Some remarks)

Authors Dvornichenko, Andrey Yuryevich — St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, Doctor in History, Professor, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the section Commentarii / Articles
Year 2015 Issue 2 Pages 152-160
Type of article RAR Index UDK 930.85 Index BBK 63.5
Abstract The article provides observations about the modern approach to the problem of the development of tribal structures among the Slavs and their connection with the process of the Slavs’ politogenesis. The Author raises a problem: what was the category of the ancient tribes of The Eastern Europe in terms of the ethnical processes? Who were the tribes, entered into the composition of the towns-states of the Anciet Rus’? There are no apprehensions, that at the level of a tribe we cannot find the ethinic consciousness. It
was at the under tribe level only. Slavonic tribes weren’t destroyed during the Great Migration of Peoples. German tribes were remained too. In Russian historiography all tribal structures were considered in their interrelations with commons, cities and state. All following social structures saved the clear tracks of tribes. The bright example – Novgorod the Great. It’s political and social organization we should understand in the context of the ancient tribal division. Studying of tribal and common structures should clear up the character of the early Slavonic states: “state of Samo”, “Great Moravia State” etc.
Keywords tribe, tribal structures, Slavs, politogenesis, chiefdom
Full text version of the article. Article language Russian
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Tags: politogenesis, tribe, chiefdom, tribal structures, Slavs