Polekhov, S. V. Privileges of the grand dukes of Lithuania for the Smolensk land (middle of the 15th century – beginning of the 16th century)

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Title of the article Privileges of the grand dukes of Lithuania for the Smolensk land (middle of the 15th century – beginning of the 16th century)
Authors Polekhov, Sergey Vladimirovich — Ph. D. in Нistory, research fellow in the Institute of the Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, research fellow in the University of Vilnius, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the section Fontes / Historical Sources
Year 2015 Issue 1 Pages 115-140
Type of article RAR Index UDK   Index BBK  

The article analyses the privilege of the grand duke of Lithuania Alexander for the Smolensk land granted on the 1st of March, 1505. Its original has survived in the Main Archive of the Old Acts (Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych) in Warsaw. The author defines more exactly its components and their dating (the oldest privilege of grand duke Casimir Jagiellonian for the Smolensk land of 1447, his and his counsellors’ judicial decision on the litigation between the Smolensk dwellers and its governor Mikołaj Radziwiłł of 1482–1488, the same monarch’s order for him of 1482–1488 and Alexander’s order for Smolensk governor Stanisław Hlebowicz of 1492–1499). The comparison of the oldest part of the Smolensk land privilege with the same documents for the lands of Novgorodok, Vitebsk, Polotsk and Volhynia brings to the conclusion that the Smolensk dwellers were interested in the fixation of the interests balance with the central authority on the regional level rather than in gaining estate privileges according to the Polish model «from above». The analysis of the Smolensk dwellers’ relations with the state authorities from the middle of the 15th century to the beginning of the 16th century shows, how the land privilege as a new document for the local society was taking root (this process went faster at the beginning of the 16th century). At the same time the traditional notion of the monarch’s mercy continued to exist, the links with the Grand Duchy’s political elite were established, and it was probably its members (the grand duke and the Radziwiłł family) who initiated the granting of an extensive privilege to the Smolensk land at the sejm (convention) in Brest in 1505. The development of that tradition was interrupted because of the Smolensk boyars’ and citizens resettlement after the annexation of the Smolensk land by the Russian state in 1514.

Keywords Grand Duchy of Lithuania, land privileges, Smolensk land, Casimir Jagiellon, Alexander Jagiellon
Full text version of the article. Article language Russian
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Tags: Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Alexander Jagiellon, Casimir Jagiellon, Smolensk land, land privileges, FONTES / HISTORICAL SOURCES