Usachev, A. S. About geography of production of the Russian handwritten books in the 16th century (materials to book history in Russia)

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Title of the article About geography of production of the Russian handwritten books in the 16th century (materials to book history in Russia)
Authors Usachev, Andrey Sergeevich - Doctor in History, Professor, Department of History and Theory of Historical Science, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the section Fontes / Historical Sources
Year 2015 Issue 1 Pages 141-168
Type of article RAR Index UDK   Index BBK  
Abstract The article gives the information about the remained dated handwritten books produced on the territory of the Russian state in the 16th century. The author presents the basic data (the title, date and a writing place, archival codes) about 300 handwritten books produced in towns, in monasteries, and in another settlements. The research is based on book’s records.
Keywords 16th century, Russian history, archaeography, hand-written collections, archives, handwritten books
Full text version of the article. Article language Russain
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Tags: 16th century, handwritten books, archives, hand-written collections, archaeography, Russian history, FONTES / HISTORICAL SOURCES