Dmitriev M.V. The review of the book: Zhuk S. I. Russia's Lost Reformation. Peasants, Milleniarism, and Radical Sects in Southern Russia and Ukraine, 1830-1917. - Washington: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University P

Modified Date
Published Date:
Title of the article  The review of the book: Zhuk S. I. Russia's Lost Reformation. Peasants, Milleniarism, and Radical Sects in Southern Russia and Ukraine, 1830-1917. - Washington: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press, 2004. 457 P. ISBN 0-8018-7195-9
Authors  Dmitriev M.V. - Moscow State University, Central European University (Budapest)
In the section  Recensionis / Reviews
Year 2008 Issue  2 Pages  179-185
Type of article RAR Index UDK  94(477) Index BBK  
Keywords  history of Ukraine, union of Brest, reformation
Full text version of the article Article language  

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Tags: union of Brest, history of Ukraine, reformation