Koloskov, E. A. Kosovo myth in Contemporary Serbian and Albanian historiography: Stages and the main trends

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Title of the article Kosovo myth in Contemporary Serbian and Albanian historiography: Stages and the main trends
Authors Koloskov, Evgeniy Andreevich — Ph. D. in History, Senior Lecturer, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the section Miscellanea / Miscellanea
Year 2016 Issue 2 Pages 152-168
Type of article RAR Index UDK; BBK 94(497.1); 63.3(4)4 DOI 10.21638/11701/spbu19.2016.210
Abstract This article is devoted to the contemporary (Published during 1989 to 2016) scholar works about the Kosovo myth in the academic community of (Federal) Republic of Serbia, of the so-called «Republic of Kosovo» and of the Republic of Albania. The author attempts to compare the publication of two major contractors of the «memory wars», he offers periodization and tries to identify the main trends of the issue. The author touch not only works of historians, but also political scientists, linguists, lawyers, ethnologists, anthropologists and experts in the field of international relations. articles. Author found that the peak of Kosovo myth publication activity was 1989–1990 years. The interest was decreased after 1991 and only a relatively small number of specialists are interested in Kosovo myth now as in pre-Milohevic era. Increasing of number publications devoted to Kosovo myth was directly related to the deterioration of the quality of the majority of publications by attracting non-specialists for this issue: as we can see, most of the Albanian historians and many Serbian historians «patriotic» school, weren’t professionals. They were too negligent for the sources, deliberately neglected uncomfortable facts and replicated unscientific stereotypes, hiding behind the concept of the protection of national interests. In his article, the author resumes that sides will not find a compromise in their view in Kosovo battle 1389 legacy in the near future.
Keywords Battle of Kosovo, the Kosovo myth, Albanians, Serbs, historiography
Full text version of the article. Article language Russian
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Tags: historiography, Serbs, MISCELLANEA / MISCELLANEA, Battle of Kosovo, Kosovo myth, Albanians