Mikhaylova, A. A. The phenomenon of the evil eye and apotropaic motives in Serbian traditional embroidery: looking for relevant approach to the study of ethnomuseological heritage

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Title of the article The phenomenon of the evil eye and apotropaic motives in Serbian traditional embroidery: looking for relevant approach to the study of ethnomuseological heritage
Authors Mikhaylova, Alena Alekseevna — Ph. D. in History, leading researcher, Russian ethnography museum, Department of Belorussian, Ukranian and Moldavian Ethnography, St. Petersburg, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Scopus ID 57193093528, SPIN-код 6524-4454, AuthorID 904858
In the section Commentarii / Articles
Year 2016 Issue 2 Pages 46-64
Type of article RAR Index UDK; BBK 398.3; 63.5 DOI 10.21638/11701/spbu19.2016.204
Abstract The article makes a combining analysis of two types of sources which reflect the Serbian traditional culture and history. The first is represented by ethnographic narrative observations of the second part of the 19th – early 20th century and another one by museum artefacts of the same period. This approach demonstrates the existence of a close connection between the ornamental embroidery, as a product of pre-industrial era home needlework, with magic belief system which prevailed in that period, in particularly with belief in the evil eye. Placing the museum artifacts in the cultural-anthropological context provides a deeper understanding of the nature of their origin, which in turn contributes to the articulation of their value as an ethnomuseological heritage.
Keywords protective amulet, the evil eye, embroidery, Serbia, traditional culture
Full text version of the article. Article language Russian
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Tags: Serbia, protective amulet, evil eye, embroidery, traditional culture, MIKHAYLOVA A. A.