Alimov, D. E. «Understanding Moravia»: A new attempt. [Rec.:] Lysý, Miroslav. Moravania, Mojmírovci a Franská ríša. Štúdie k etnogenéze, politickým inštitúcim a ústavnému zriadeniu na území Slovenska vo včasnom stredoveku. Bratislava: Atticum, 2014. 374 p

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Title of the article «Understanding Moravia»: A new attempt. [Rec.:] Lysý, Miroslav. Moravania, Mojmírovci a Franská ríša. Štúdie k etnogenéze, politickým inštitúcim a ústavnému zriadeniu na území Slovenska vo včasnom stredoveku. Bratislava: Atticum, 2014. 374 p.
Authors Alimov, Denis Evgenievich - Ph. D. in History, Associate Professorof the Institute of History, St.Petersburg State University, St.Petersburg, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the section Recenseones / Review
Year 2015 Issue 1 Pages 223-242
Type of article RAR Index UDK   Index BBK  
Abstract The article is a review of the book by Slovak historian Miroslav Lysý «Moravians, Moimir Dynasty, and Frankish Empire. Studies on Ethnogenesis, Political Institutions, and Power System in the territory of Slovakia in the early Middle Ages» (Bratislava 2014), which addresses the problems of early medieval ethnicity, polito-genesis, and political relations between Moravia and the Carolingian Empire. The reviewer notes that Lysý’s approach to the subject is characterized, above all, by increased attention to the authentic terminology of sources, as well as by deep insight into previous historiographical attempts of studying Moravian social development with taking into account their internal logic, philosophical background and socio-political implications. The author of the review considered Lysý’s book to be an important step towards «understanding Moravia».
Keywords Great Moravia, Nitra principality, Slavic tribes, gens, regnum, Carolingians
Full text version of the article. Article language Russian
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Tags: Great Moravia, gens, regnum, Carolingians, Nitra principality