Tsimbaev, K. N. Slavic problem in German political thought at the beginning of the 20th century

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Title of the article Slavic problem in German political thought at the beginning of the 20th century
Authors Tsimbaev, Konstantin Nikolaevich - Ph. D. in History, Associate Professor, Russain State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the section Commentarii / Articles
Year 2015 Issue 1 Pages 42-63
Type of article RAR Index UDK   Index BBK  
Abstract The problem of relationship with Slavic neighbours from Middle and East Europe, with Russia, with Balkan nations held a prominent place in the German sociopolitical thought on the eve of the World War I. In Russia, this relationship was shaped by Anti-German Pan-Slavic propaganda. Crucial for Germany was the desire to stand against Russian interests in Europe, and first of all, in the Balkans, and not to allow an increase of Slavic influence there. The East Slavic countries were forced to balance between the two Great Powers trying at the same time to create their own national states. On the one hand, German political writers were pleased to note the separation of Slavic nations from Russia, insofar as their national movements were out of Russian political control, and the ideological and political power over them had to be taken by Austria. On the other hand, this situation was controversial, because, in view of losing ground, Russia could come from threatening to acting. Russian ambitions to dominate all the Balkan and Austro-Hungarian Slavs were considered as vitally dangerous for the German Empire, the Germans feared that the realization of the Slavic idea would lead to a world war. The potential danger of Slavdom evoked both the idea of a probable military showdown with Russia and the idea of the need for good neighbourliness. Pan-Slavism was seen by some experts (P. Rohrbach, Th. Schiemann) as a source of danger, yet others (O. Hoetzsch, F. Naumann) thought of it as Utopia, since the real course of events, especially after the Balkan wars, showed the delusiveness of hopes for a united Slavic state. On the whole, German political writers argued for the necessity to take over the role of Russia in the Balkans, for economic, political and cultural expansionism in South-East, up to appeals for colonization and Germanization of the Slavic world. The role of «Slavic question» in the polemical discourse of the pre-war Europe, in particular in the construction of enemy images, and ultimately, in the outbreak of war, though not decisive, is of considerable importance.
Keywords Slavic problem, German expansionism, World War I, national idea, Pan-Germanism, Drang nach Osten, German political journalism
Full text version of the article. Article language Russian
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Tags: Slavic problem, German expansionism, national idea, Pan-Germanism, Drang nach Osten, German political journalism