The article presents the review on the monograph «Russian Emigration in France: social history (1920–1939)» by French historian and demographer C. Gouseff. Although the problem of refugee status and phenomenon of Russia Abroad during the inter-war period became the object of numerous scientific researches, the reviewer observes the book a trustworthy study. Statistical data of demographic processes introduced into practice enable to consider this phenomenon in a new way.
refugee, stateless person, immigration policy, France, High Commission for Refugees
Gousseff, Catherine. L’exil russe. La fabrique du réfugié apatride (1920–1939) [The Russian exile. The factory of stateless refugee. (1920–1939)]. Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2008. 335 p. (in Franch).
Gousseff, Catherine. Russkaya emigratsiya vo Frantsii: sotsialnaya istoriya (1920–1939 gody) [Russian Emigration in France: social history (1920–1939)]. Moscow: «New Literary Review» Publ., 2014. 328 p. (in Russian).
Khrisanfov, Valentin Ivanovich. Rossiyskiy «iskhod»: mify i realnost. Istoriograficheskoe issledovanie o chislennosti «pervoy volny» rossiyskoy emigratsii 1917–1920 gg. [The Russian Exodus: myths and reality: the historiographical research on the number of the Russian emigrants of the first wave (1917–1920)]. St. Peterburg: «Cultural and Educational Association» Publ., 2014. 196 p. (in Russian).
Khrisanfov, Valentin Ivanovich; Turygina, Natal’ya Valer’evna. K istoriografii voprosa o chislennosti russkoy emigratsii vo Frantsii v 1920–1930-e gg. [To the historiography of the quantitative characteristics of the Russian emigration in France in the 1920–1930s], in Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Series 2: History. 2014. № 3. P. 17–27 (in Russian).