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To the Authors

The texts of scientific papers proposed for publication in the journal Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana should be sent to the email address of the editorial office This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a copy to the address of the editor-in-chief This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1. Papers suggested for publication in Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana must be original, previously unpublished works on historical topics or related disciplines.

2.  Authors are responsible for the selection and the accuracy of the given facts, quotations and proper names and guarantee the existence of a permit for publication of archival and other materials.

3. We will not consider articles that are not relevant to the subject area of the journal and do not meet the requirements of the editors.

4. Articles are reviewed by the members of the Editorial Board and independent experts.  The editors reserve the right to select articles.

5. It is recommended that the paper is up to 40000 characters (including spaces and footnotes).

6. Papers should be submitted in electronic form, Word 1997-2003, Times New Roman fonts, the main text justified, 14-point type, one and a half spacing, indentation of 1.27 cm. Footnotes numbered sequentially, justified, Times New Roman fonts, 12 pt, single spacing, no indent / hanging indent.

7. Footnotes format:
   – the authors name in italics;
Use en dash, NOT A HYPHEN, to designate the gap between page numbers. P. 25–56.
   – when listing several works by one author in one footnote, specify his / her name once and number the works.  For example:
Treadgold W. 1) The nature of Biblioteca of Photius Harvard: Trustees for Harvard University, 1980. (Dumbarton Oak Studies. Vol. 18). 206 p.; 2) The Bride-Shows // Byzantion. 1979. Vol. 49. P. 395–413.
  – provide full data of a work when it is first referred to; and short data for the second and any subsequent references. IT IS NOT ALLOWED to use such designations as Ibid., Op. cit., Там же in relation to monographs and papers.  They can only be used if the same source is referred to several times in a row. Use a short name in repeated references to scholarly literature and historiography, for example:
1 Wilder A. Early Christian rhetoric: The language of the gospel. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971. 135 p.
12 Wilder A. Early Christian rhetoric… P. 25.
   – reference examples:
To a monograph: Treadgold W. The nature of Biblioteca of Photius Harvard: Trustees for Harvard University, 1980. (Dumbarton Oak Studies. Vol. 18). 206 p.
To an article in a journal: Treadgold W. The Bride-Shows // Byzantion. 1979. Vol. 49. Pp. 395–413.  
To an article in a periodical (It is desirable but not required to specify the editor or the compiler of a collection in the endnotes.): Peisker J. The expansion of the Slavs // The Cambridge Medieval History / Ed. by Henry Melvill Gwatkin and James Pounder Whitney. Vol. II: The rise of the Saracens and the foundation of the Western empire. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1913. P. 418–458.
To an article in a collection (It is desirable but not required to specify the editor or the compiler of a collection in the endnotes.): Иванов И. И. Восстание Костюшко // Освободительное движение в странах Центрально-Восточной Европы / Под ред. П. П. Петрова. М., 1994. С. 27; Howard-Johnston J. D. Byzantine sources for Khazar history // The World of the Khazars: New perspectives: Selected papers from the Jerusalem 1999 International Khazar Colloquium / Ed. by Peter B. Golden, Haggai Ben-Shammai and András Róna-Tas. Leiden: Brill, 2007. P. 163–193.
Reference to a source or a document (It is desirable but not required to specify the editor or the compiler of a collection in the endnotes. Specify the document number if the sources are numbered in the publication.):  Первое послание Андрея Курбского Ивану Грозному, 1564 г. // Переписка Ивана Грозного с Андреем Курбским. М., 1993. С. 26. № 122.
См.: Бантыш-Каменский Н. Н. Реестры греческим делам Московского архива Коллегии иностранных дел. М., 2001.
Reimann E. Das Verhalten des Reiches gegen Livland in den Jahren 1559–1561 // Historische Zeitschrift. 1876. Bd. 35. S. 346–380.
Schiemann Th. Brief von Johann Taube an Heinr. v. Tiesenhausen und Lorenz Offenberger vom Jahre 1563 // Sitzungs-Berichte der Kurländischen Gesellschaft für Literatur und Kunst aus dem Jahre 1874. Mitau: Steffenhagen und Sohn, 1875. S. 25–31.
Reference to Internet publication: Ivanov I. I. Svobodnaya Polsha. Access mode: (last visited – 12 June 2011).

8. In the end of the article «The information about the article» should be placed to be processed and stored in scientometric databases for citation index, etc. It includes:
– a reference to the grant, if the work has been carried out under a grant or a program;
– UDC and BBK (Library Bibliographic Classification) indices specified according to the standard classification;
– Author: surname, first name, patronymic/middle name, title, affiliation, email address, OrcID (and ResearchID, SPIN) (for example:  Vasilik, Vladimir Vladimirovich — Ph. D. in Philology, Associate Professor, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ORCID; Scopus ID 55094231000, SPIN-code 5449-7056, AuthorID 130389);
– Title of the article;
– Article summary in Russian, at least 200 words, 0.5 page recommended;
– Key words (5–7 words);
– References. Provide the alphabetical list of ALL the articles, monographs and other research papers and historiographic works referred to in the article. DO NOT NUMBER THE LIST.
Specify each publication as follows:
The authors surname, (COMMA) FULL first name (name + patronymic for Russian authors). All in italics.
Paper title.
Publishers details:  Place of publication (FULL, WITHOUT ABBREVIATIONS): (colon) publishing company or printing house, year of publication.
TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES or PAGE NUMBERS on which the article can be found.
A sample list:
Аверинцев, Сергей Сергеевич. От берегов Босфора до берегов Евфрата. Москва: Наука, 1988. 360 с.
Афиногенов Дмитрий Евгеньевич. Повесть об обращении императора Феофила. Москва: Индрик, 2003. 121 с.
Бантыш-Каменский, Николай Николаевич. Реестры греческим делам Московского архива Коллегии иностранных дел. Москва: Хронограф, 2001. 416 с.
Белтинг, Ханс. Образ и культ. Москва: Прогресс-традиция. 2002. 752 с.
Бычков, Виктор Васильевич. Эстетика // Культура Византии. Вторая половина VII–ХII век. Москва: Наука, 1989. С. 422–434.
Treadgold, Warren. The Bride-Shows // Byzantion. 1979. Vol. 49. P. 395–413.
Treadgold, Warren. The nature of Biblioteca of Photius Harvard: Trustees for Harvard University, 1980. (Dumbarton Oak Studies. Vol. 18). 206 p.
Wilder, Amos. Early Christian rhetoric: The language of the gospel. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971. 135 p.
Wulff, Oskar. Das Raumerlebnis des Naos im Spiegel der Ekphrasis // Byzantinische Zeitschrift. 1929/30. Vol. 30. S. 531–539.

9. Then the same information about the article shall be given in English:
– a reference to the grant in English;
– DO NOT translate BBK and UDC indices into English; they should be only in the Russian version;
– Information about the author (for example:  Vasilik, Vladimir Vladimirovich — Ph. D. in Philology, Associate Professor, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ORCID; Scopus ID 55094231000, SPIN-code 5449-7056, AuthorID 130389)
— Title in English;
— Abstract in English. It should be a translation of the above given Russian summary (or its extended version);
– Key words in English (5–7 words);
– References: transliterated into the Latin alphabet with the English translation of the publication title (if the original title is in Cyrillic, it should be given in square brackets). We recommend using U.S. State Departments standard for transliteration (

For example:
Bantysh-Kamenskij N. N. Reestry grecheskim delam Moskovskogo arhiva Kollegii inostrannyh del [The Greek affairs registers of the Moscow archive of Ministry of Foreign Affairs]. Moscow: Hronograf Publ., 2001. 416 p. (in Russian.)
Belokurov S. A. Spisok diplomaticheskikh lits russkikh za granitsey i inostrannykh pri russkom dvore (s nachala snosheniy po 1800 god) [List of Russian diplomatic officials abroad as well as the foreign diplomatic officials in the Russian court (since the beginning of the relations and up to 1800)], in Sbornik Moskovskogo glavnogo arkhiva Ministerstva inostrannykh del. Moscow: Tipografiya E. Lissnera i Yu. Romana Publ., 1893. Vol. 5. Pp. 219–314. (in Russian.)
Lobin A. N. Poslaniya Vasiliya III velikomu magistru Al’brekhtu 1515 g. [Message of Basil III to the Grand Master Albrecht of 1515], in Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana = Peterburgskie slavyanskie i balkanskie issledovaniya. 2012. № 1. Pp. 141–152. (in Russian.)   
Pikkio R. Funkciya bibleyskih tematicheskih klyuchey v literaturnom kode pravoslavnogo slavyanstva, in Pikkio R. Slavia Orthodoxa. Literatura i yazyk. Moscow: Yazyki slavyanskoy kultury Publ., 2003. Pp. 431–465. (in Russian.)
Mango C., Hawkins E. The Apse Mosaics in St. Sophia, in Dumbarton Oak Papers. 1965. Vol. 19. Pp. 113–151.
Manson T. Entry into membership of the early Church, in Journal of Theological Studies. 1947. Vol. 48. Pp. 25–33.


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By submitting a manuscript to Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana the author assigns to the publisher without charge the exclusive right, for the duration of copyright under the current RF legislation, to use the paper (in case of acceptance of the paper for publication by the Editorial Board) on the territories of all states where the copyright is protected by the international agreements of the Russian Federation; including the following rights: to publish the final version of the article in the above journal; to distribute it and/or communicate it to the public; to make translations and edits of the article, and to distribute them to the public (with an exclusive right to use the translated and/or edited article in the aforesaid ways); and to authorize or grant licenses to third parties to do any of the above.

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