Title of the article | Svjatopolk I, the Prince of Turov and Kiev, in the light of Tietmar’s Chronicle. In the initial sources about early History of Byelorussia | ||||||||
Authors | Rosik Stanislav - Wroclaw University | ||||||||
In the section | Commentarii/Articles | ||||||||
Year | 2011 | Issue | 2 | Pages | 3-10 | ||||
Type of article | RAR | Index UDK | 94(47).0263 | Index BBK | |||||
Abstract | The Chronicle of Thietmar, Bishop of Merseburg (died 1018) is a work of exceptional significance for the knowledge of the history of Europe in the 10th and at the beginning of the 11th c. The author focused on the fate of the Roman Empire in the West emphasising the place of the Merseburg Diocese, however, in his account there was also place for the problems of Rus. There is a lot of valuable information about the last years of the rule of Vladimir the Great (died 1015) and the rivalry for power after his death in the part referring to Swiatopelk I, Duke of Turov and later Kiev - a contemporary account with some elements of a theological interpretation of history. For Thietmar it was important to stress the role of Boleslav the Brave in these events and in particular the role of Reinbern, Bishop of Kolberg, who had connections with this Polish ruler and died imprisoned in Rus. The chronicler's account on Swietopelk signifi cantly corresponds with the later Russian historiography (mainly with the Chronicle of the so called Nestor), however, the assessment of the acts of the duke, who according to the Russian tradition due to crimes committed against his brothers was called cursed, was much gentler. | ||||||||
Full text version of the article | Article language | Polish | |||||||
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