Vasilik V. V. Encyclical letter of holy Naucratius about the death of holy Theodorus of Studion

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Published Date:
Authors  Vasilik Vladimir Vladimirovich - Saint-Petersburg State University
In the section  Fontes / Historical Sources
Year 2012 Issue  1 Pages  127-140
Type of article RAR Index UDK  94(495).03 Index BBK  
Abstract  This article acquaints readers with encyclical letter of holy Naucratius about the death of holy Theodorus of Studion, the founder of Studion monkhood (760-826). St. Naucratius was economus of Studion monastery and one of the closest disciples of St. Theodor of Studion. In 815, during f the Second Iconoclasm St. Naucratius together with his teacher tolerated expulsion, tortures, but he remained faithful to the Orthodoxy. He was the witness of the last days of St. Theodorus Studites and he described the circumstances of his death. His letter gives unique information both about St. Theodorus Studites and the Orthodox monastic movement of time of the Second Iconoclasm. The commented text of his epistle is offered to Russian readers for the fi rst time.
Keywords  CHURCH history, iconoclasm
Full text version of the article Article language  Russian
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Tags: CHURCH history, iconoclasm