Veselov, Fedor Nikitovich. Alexander the Great and Solomon the Wise: Who was Ivan the Terrible quoting?

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For citation: Veselov, Fedor Nikitovich. Alexander the Great and Solomon the Wise: Who was Ivan the Terrible quoting?, in Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana. 2023. № 2. Pp. 3-13. DOI

Title of the article

Alexander the Great and Solomon the Wise: Who was Ivan the Terrible quoting?


Veselov, Fedor Nikitovich — PhD in history, associate professor, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, Orc ID 0000-0002-2445-6497; Scopus ID 56641623800, SPIN-code 7413-2374, Author ID 742066, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In the section  Commentarii / Статьи
Year 2023 Issue 2 Pages 3-13
Type of article RAR Index UDK; BBK UDK 94(47).04:821.161; BBK 63.3(2)43  Index DOI

The study is supported by the Russian Scientific foundation grant No 21-78-00050 «Alexander the Great in the Muscovite Tsardom: Old Rus’ illuminated manuscripts of the Serbian Alexander Romance».

Numerous legends and apocrypha, circulating in the non-literary scene of Slavia Orthodoxa, in which both Alexander the Great and Solomon the Wise were gradually endowed with parallel features, should have become the basis for the functional similarity of these images in Slavic literature. An important role in the literature of the southern and eastern Slavs in this process was played by the Serbian recension of the Alexander Romance, the second Slavonic translation of the pseudo-Callisthenes work. In the Romance Alexander the Great not only inherits the relics of King Solomon, but the Old Testament king becomes a favorite source for the author’s quotations; Alexander himself acquires a «all-wise heart», and perishes from the «women malice», like Solomon, who «heirs hell because of woman». The wisdom of Alexander in the South Slavic Romance allows one to explain one of Ivan the Terrible’s confusing apothegms in the First Epistle to Andrei Kurbsky: referring to an unnamed prophet, the tsar compares «the madness of women» with «the power of many». It seems that both parts of the apothegm are based on Serbian Alexander Romance, while the one that is dedicated to «women malice» is taken from the «proverbs of Alexander», which in their structure copy the apocryphal Judgments of Solomon. Apparently, thanks to Serbian Alexandria, the images of the kings of antiquity merged even in the mind of the Russian sovereign, who impressed his contemporaries with his education. It is possible that one of the consequences of this was the inclusion of Ivan the Terrible in the alternation of already three figures of legendary rulers who had similar functions in the later folklore narrations.

Keywords Alexander the Great, King Solomon, Ivan the Terrible, Serbian Alexander Romance, Slavonic apocrypha, Old Rus’ literature
Full text version of the article Article language  Russian

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Tags: Byzantium, COMMENTARII / ARTICLES, old russian literature, Ivan IV the Terrible, Byzantine cultural influence

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