Bondar, Larisa Dmitriyevna. «Bibliographic Sheets» by P. Köppenin the context of the development of international Slavistic periodicals

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For citation: Bondar, Larisa Dmitriyevna. «Bibliographic Sheets» by P. Köppenin the context of the development of international Slavistic periodicals, in Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana. 2023. № 1. Pp. 81-96. DOI

Title of the article «Bibliographic Sheets» by P. Köppenin the context of the development of international Slavistic periodicals

Bondar, Larisa Dmitriyevna — PhD in History, St. Peterburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia, Orc ID 0000-0001-6745-841X, SPIN-code 8761-6716, Author ID 278264; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In the section Fontes / Historical Studies 
Year 2023 Issue 1 Pages 81-96
Type of article RAR Index UDK; BBK UDK 93/94; BBK 63.3(2)53 Index DOI

The article was prepared in frames of the project «Slavic studies in exchange: Austria and Russia in 18491939» (№ 21-59-14001 ANF_a) of the Russian Center for Scientific Information.

The heyday of European Slavistics in the late 19th — early 20th century was not least due to the active interaction of representatives of various national scientific schools. The science of the Slavs was formed as an international discipline. Cooperation in the research of national Slavic schools was largely ensured by international periodicals published in St. Petersburg, Warsaw, Berlin, Krakow, Prague. The international character of the publications became possible almost exclusively due to the personal scientific contacts of the editors. The role of such contacts was especially great at the stage of the formation of Russian Slavistics. The activity of P. Köppen, who established contacts with European Slavists during his journey in 1821–1824, was of great importance. This made it possible in the future to carry out activities (although not long-term, but quite effective) on the publication of the magazine «Bibliographic Sheets» (1825–1826), reflecting the latest scientific achievements, which had a significant Slavic component and ensured mutual involvement of European and Russian scientists in their research. The magazine played an important role in establishing inter-Slavic scientific ties and attracted the attention of European Slavists. The appendix to the article publishes three documents related to the unfulfilled plans of Köppen to resumesl publication in 1837: an announcement of the resumption of the journal, a draft contract with a potential publisher A. Ph. Smirdin, a note explaining the reasons for refusing to resume publication. The published documents, in addition to being evidence of the events of 1837, allow us to get information about the details of the publishing business.

Keywords P. Köppen, inter-Slavic scientific relations, the formation of Slavistics in the Russian Empire, «Bibliographic sheets», historical studies
Full text version of the article Article language  Russian

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Tags: 19th century, historical journal, FONTES / HISTORICAL SOURCES, Communications, cultural studies, Communication, historical sources, Slavistics, inter-Slavic scientific relations

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