Shevchenko, Kirill Vladimirovich; Kazak, Oleg Gennadyevich. An innovative study of the history of the formation of the Belarusian and Ukrainian languages

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For citation: Shevchenko, Kirill Vladimirovich; Kazak, Oleg Gennadyevich. An innovative study of the history of the formation of the Belarusian and Ukrainian languages, in Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana. 2022. № 2. Pp. 228-235. DOI

Title of the article An innovative study of the history of the formation of the Belarusian and Ukrainian languages

Shevchenko, Kirill Vladimirovich – Dr. Sc. in History, professor, Branch of Russian Social University in Minsk, Minsk, Belarus, Orc ID 0000-0002-9702-9883, SPIN-code 8763-8690, AuthorID 766199; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kazak, Oleg Gennadyevich – PhD in History, associate professor, Belarusian State Economic University, Minsk, Belarus, Orc ID 0000-0003-3859-8071, Scopus ID 57212406931, SPIN-code 8124-9415, Author ID 1085977; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In the section  Recensiones / Reviews
Year 2022 Issue 2 Pages 228-235
Type of article RAR Index UDK; BBK UDK 94; BBK 63.3(0) Index DOI 

The article is a review the book «“Native Word”. Belarusian and Ukrainian languages at school (Essays on the history of mass education in the middle of the 19th – the middle of the 20th century)». The collection of essays is devoted to the organization of education in the Belarusian and Ukrainian lands, which during the mid-19th – mid-20th centuries were part of various state formations (Russian Empire, Austria-Hungary, USSR, Poland). The authors of the essays (historians and philologists from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine) consider the national and cultural policy of the authorities towards Belarusians and Ukrainians from new theoretical and methodological positions. Scientists note that specific manifestations of educational policy depended on a complex set of interrelated factors (the representation of power and intellectual elites about the ethnic population; the need to combat unwanted cultural influences (for example, with Polish influence in the Belarusian provinces of the Russian Empire); the activity of representatives of the Belarusian and Ukrainian national movements; the reaction of Belarusian and Ukrainian inhabitance to educational practices). Most of the articles are distinguished by a high scientific level and have a solid source base. Many materials and archival documents are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. At the same time, the reviewers identified points that could be improved in the future editions of the book. For example, they note a simplified understanding by scientists of the influence of the ideology of Western Russianness (Zapadnorusizm) and the ethno-confessional character of the inhabitants of the Belarusian provinces of the Russian Empire. They pay attention to the lack of analysis of the activities of representatives of the Russophile trend in the national and cultural life of Galicia, insufficient attention to the study of the attitude towards activities in the educational sphere of the population of the Russian-Belarusian and Russian-Ukrainian borderlands during the period of Soviet indigenization (Korenizatsiya). The articles in the book under review can give impetus to further research into various aspects of the national and cultural life of the peoples of Eastern Europe.

Keywords Education, Belarusian language, Ukrainian language, educational policy
Full text version of the article Article language  Russian

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Shevchenko, Kirill Vladimirovich. Yazykovaya bor’ba v Vostochnoy Galitsii v XIX veke v otsenkakh galitsko-russkikh obshchestvennykh deyateley [Language struggle in Eastern Galica during XIX century as viewed by Galician-Russian public activists], in Yazyk i identichnost’. Yazyk, literatura i slavyanskiye identichnosti v XVIII – XXI vekakh [Language and identity. Language, literature and Slavic identities in the 18th – 21th centuries]. Belgrade: Institute of Political Studies Publ., 2020. Pp. 130–157. (in Russian).

Tags: historiography, 19th century, education, RECENSIONES / REVIEWS, cultural studies, Communication, 20th century, regional studies, SHEVCHYENKO K. V.

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