For citation: Selin, Adrian Aleksandrovich. Dedications of church thrones of countryside churches in late 15th – early 17th cc. in Novgorod Land: Dynamic and perspectives of studying, in Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana. 2024. № 1. Pp. 90–111. DOI
Title of the article |
Dedications of church thrones of countryside churches in late 15th – early 17th cc. in Novgorod Land: Dynamic and perspectives of studying |
Authors | Selin, Adrian Aleksandrovich — Dr. Sc. in History, Professor, National Research University «Higher School of Economics», St. Petersburg, Russia, OrcID 0000-0002-8891-2105; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | ||||||||
In the section | Disputatio / Discusion | ||||||||
Year | 2024 | Issue | 1 | Pages | 90–111 | ||||
Type of article | RAR | Index UDK; BBK | UDK 94(47)045; BBK 63.3(2)4 |
Index DOI | | ||||
Abstract |
The article was prepared within the framework of the HSE University Basic Research Program 2023 «Transformation of Regimes of Governing Diversity: Subjecthood Discourses and Practices in the Russian Empire». The dynamics of rural churches thrones’ dedications reflects the local features of the formation of parish structure, both in Western and in Eastern Christian space. There is significant historiography on the theme of medieval and early modern church throne dedications; often one could find in the spreading of such dedications a reflection if saints’ cults spreading. For Muscovite Rus’, studying dynamics could be possible since the appearance of a correct description of rural space in late 15th century. Transformations of social structure of the former (medieval) Novgorod land after its incorporation into the Moscow state led to dynamic changes in the dedications of churches’ thrones and great change in the parish structure. The most important (and almost the only one) source for studying geography and nomenclature of rural church throne is the data of land cadastre that was hold by Muscovite administration immediately after conquering Novgorod the Great. Today there are no any reasons for fixing any «pagan traditions» (there were such ideas in historiography of 20th century) neither any traces of «republican features» in the parish dedications of Novgorod Land; local particularities in church dedications were more connected with pre-Muscovite landowners; some specifics could be found in church dedications in former archbishop estates. Searching for some regularities in throne dedications dynamics in comparative synchronic and diachronic perspectives allows to reveal, from one hand, regional particularities of Novgorod Land (in the context of its integrating in unified confeccional space by representatives of Muscovite monkhood in 16th century) and, from the other hand — the development of local practices of dedications (in the context of infiltration into Novgorod land the carriers of parish practices from other parts of Muscovite Reign in 16th century). |
Keywords | Church Throne Dedications, Vodskaya pyatina, Dynamic of Dedications, veneration of saints, Orthodox culture | ||||||||
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Full text version of the article | Article language | Russian | ||||||
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Tags: 16th century, DISPUTATIO / DISCUSSION, veneration of saints, history of the orthodox church, Orthodox culture, cultural studies, 15th century , 17th century