Grabarczyk, Tadeusz. About the armament of the Polish knights once again

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For citation: Grabarczyk, Tadeusz. About the armament of the Polish knights once again, in Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana. 2021. № 2. Pp. 164-169. DOI

Title of the article About the armament of the Polish knights once again

Grabarczyk, Tadeusz — Dr. Sc., professor, University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland, OrcID 0000-0002-6197-9457; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In the section  Recensiones / Reviews
Year 2021 Issue 2 Pages 164-169
Type of article RAR Index UDK; BBK UDK 94(4), 355/4; BBK 63.3(4)5+68.35 Index DOI
Abstract In the years 2016–2018, a three-volume work «Knight in war, travel and the accomodation» was published in Poland. The author of this trilogy is Jan Szymczak, Professor Emeritus at the University of Lodz (Poland). In the first two volumes, he discussed the armament and equipment of knights in medieval Poland from the 10th to the 16th century. In the first volume, the author deals with defensive weapons, in the second ― offensive. The author paid much attention to the issue of terminology related to weapons. He tries to explain the nomenclature that appears in the sources, to explain the origin of the names of weapons that appeared in Polish. In the discussed books, a lot of space is devoted to issues related to the production and prices of weapons. In the third volume, the author also deals with horses and riding gear. However, on the pages of the book we find not only information about the knight’s equipment, but also a lot of space is devoted to weapons used by citizens, peasants and mercenary soldiers. The reader will also find in this study a lot of information not only about Polish army, but also about armies of other countries of medieval Europe.
On the pages of J. Szymczak’s works, we find not only the parameters of weapons and examples of their use in battles, but he also shows them as an important element of court and religious ceremonies. Although the work is dedicated to the Polish knighthood, in it there are references to ancient cultures or medieval European literature. The work contains a very rich bibliography, including handwritten and printed sources, as well as a very large selection of literature.
Keywords Poland, Middle Ages, knights, armour, weapon, armor, historiography, military history
Full text version of the article. Article language  English

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Tags: historiography, Poland, 16th century, medieval studies, military history, RECENSIONES / REVIEWS, cultural studies, 10th century, 15th century , 14th century, 13th century, 12th century, 11th century, armament, GRABARCZYK T., armor, knights, Jan Szymczak

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