Maasing, Madis. Livonia and depiction of Russians at Imperial diets before the Livonian War

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For citation: Maasing, Madis. Livonia and depiction of Russians at Imperial diets before the Livonian War, in Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana. 2021. № 1. Pp. 36-62. DOI

Title of the article Livonia and depiction of Russians at Imperial diets before the Livonian Warr

Maasing, Madis ― PhD in History, research fellow, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, Orc ID 0000-0003-4636-8196; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In the section Commentarii / Articles
Year 2021 Issue Pages 36-62
Type of article RAR Index UDK; BBK UDK 94;
BBK 63.3 (0)
Index DOI

Writing of this article was supported by Estonian Research Agency, project PUT1422 (Coexistence, isolation and cultural interchange in Medieval Livonia (1200–1550), (2017–2020)) и PRG318 (Breaking the Ground for reorganisation. Politico-economic reason and advocacy for change in the Early Modern Baltic region, (2019–2023)).

The paper observes depictions of the Russians and the Grand Duchy of Moscow at the Imperial Diets from the beginning of the 15th century to the 1550s. The Russians could be presented as schismatics or even infidels that threaten (Western) Christendom just like Ottoman Turks; or as fellow Christians with whom church union or at least a political alliance might be possible. Russian-related topics were usually presented by central branch of the Teutonic Order, the King of Poland or Livonian territories, who used negative depiction as a rhetorical tool to achieve certain political goals. Both the Order and Poland used the Russians in Teutonic-Polish conflict over Prussia, in which case they were described and compared with non-Christian enemies: the Tatars and the Turks. Additionally, the Order often claimed that in order to help Livonia, it should be exempted from taxes, or that possessions and lands should be reinstated to it. The Livonians used Russian threat rhetoric also to get exempted of some Imperial obligations, especially taxes, and with a clear success. Sometimes, the Livonians asked direct help against Moscow, but without success even during the war times. Partially, it might be connected with the competing narrative: since the 1490s, Moscow was then and again proposed as possible ally against Turks. Then, interest towards Moscow also rose in the Empire due to contacts between King Maximilian I with Ivan III and Vasiliy III. In the end, neither of these two narratives became dominant at the Imperial Diets before the Livonian War, and even during the war, when Anti-Russian propaganda was intensified, the positive narrative persisted; perhaps because it already had quite long roots.

Keywords Russia, Grand Duchy of Moscow, Holy Roman Empire, Livonia, Imperial diets, Teutonic Order, Poland
Full text version of the article. Article language  English

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Tags: Livonia, sources, Teutonic Order, Poland, Holy Roman Empire, 16th century, Moscow state, ethnicity, medieval studies, COMMENTARII / ARTICLES, cultural studies, 15th century

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