Bessudnova, Marina Borisovna. The Novgorod Kontor of Hanse in the context of the Revel’s trading strategy of the first third of the 16th century

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For citation: Bessudnova, Marina Borisovna. The Novgorod Kontor of Hanse in the context of the Revel’s trading strategy of the first third of the 16th century, in Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana. 2019. № 2. Pp. 167-180. DOI

Title of the article The Novgorod Kontor of Hanse in the context of the Revel’s trading strategy of the first third of the 16th century 

Bessudnova, Marina Borisovna — Doctor in History, Professor, Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, Researcher ID A-9259-2016, Scopus ID 56292134100, SPIN-код 4121-7323, e-mai: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

In the section

Disputatio / Discussion

Year 2019 Issue  2 Pages 167-180 
Type of article RAR Index UDK; BBK UDK 94(474); BBK 63.3(0)51 Index   10.21638/11701/spbu19.2019.210

The research was support by Russian Science Foundation, project Nr. 19–18–00183 «Economic, political and socio-cultural communications of Russia and the Baltic Area in the 15-17th centuries based on archival collections of Tallinn, Lbeck, Berlin and St. Petersburg». 

The historiographic image of Novgorod Hanseatic Kontor (German Yard) after its restoration in 1514 with descriptions of his decline was reconstructed mainly according to the testimony of the citizens of Revel aimed at preserving it. On the one hand, his skillfully designed Revel’s discourse is objective because it reflects some crisis moments caused by the complication of Novgorod-Hanseatic business relations as a result of, firstly, the decline in discipline of the inhabitants of the German Yard, among which young people began to prevail, and, secondly, of differences in understanding of legal foundations of the Russo- Hanseatic trade, «antiquity» («starina») by the Russian and Hanseatic sides in conditions of politicization of international trade in Russia. On the other hand, many historical realities in the framework of the revelation perception are distorted in favor of Revel’s trading strategy. These are the themes of the poverty of the Yard, the possibility of its transition to «alien nations» and the escalation of Russian trade expansion in Western Europe. Its were used by the Revalers to provide assistance to Lübeck and to other Vendish towns in restoring and maintaining the German Yard. Of particular importance was financial support in the form of deductions from the «pound duty», puntzoll. The revelation descriptions of the riots on the German Yard were to create an idea among the Vendish towns of the insolvency of his administration, appointed by Dorpat, and help Revel take control of the compound in his hands. Revel also tried to prevent Danzig and other towns of Royal Prussia from accessing the German Yard. As a result of his policy, slipway trade in Novgorod gradually closed on Reval with the participation of Lübeck, who invariably supported the idea of preserving the Novgorod Hanseatic Kontor on the Hansetagen. Revel’s desire to strengthen its position in Novgorod, presumably, was associated with the spread of credit operations in the Novgorod-Hanseatic trade, its kind of «monetization» associated with using of silver as a means of payment, and the transformation of Novgorod into a silver concentration center (Geldstelle).


Hanse, Novgorod Hanseatic Kontor, German Yard, Russo-Hanseatic relations, Reval, Lübeck, Novgorod 

Full text version of the article. Article language  Russian
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Tags: diplomatic relations, DISPUTATIO / DISCUSSION, medieval history, Novgorod the Great, Russian diplomacy, Hanse, Economic communications, Hanseatic Kontor, Novgorod Hanseatic Kontor, German Yard, Russo-Hanseatic relations, Reval, Lübeck