Dergacheva-Skop, Elena; Soboleva, Larisa. A small note about a big misunderstanding

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For citation: Dergacheva-Skop, Elena Ivanovna; Soboleva, Larisa Stepanovna. A small note about a big misunderstanding, or Whether Saint Philothei (Leshchinsky) was the author of Sibirskiy Lestvichnik, in Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana. 2019. № 1. Pp. 193-200. DOI

Title of the article A small note about a big misunderstanding, or Whether Saint Philothei (Leshchinsky) was the author of Sibirskiy Lestvichnik 

Soboleva, Larisa Stepanovna – Doctor of Philology, Professor, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia, l.s.soboleva @, OrcID 0000-0002-0694-6687, ResearcherID V-4273-2018, SPIN-cod 8740-4689; 

Dergacheva-Skop, Elena Ivanovna – Doctor of Philology, Professor, Novosibirsk State National Research University, Novosibirsk, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., SPIN-cod 2549-8646 

In the section Recensiones / Rewiews
Year 2019 Issue  1 Pages  193-200
Type of article RAR Index UDK; BBK  UDK 930.2.003.072+808.5+801.8+81“04; BBK 63.2  Index DOI

The research was supported by the Russian Scientifc Foundation, project № 19-18-00186 The research was supported by the Russian Scientifc Foundation, project № 19-18-00186 

The authors focus their attention on the analysis of the late 17th century edition of the manuscript “Sibirskij lestvichnik” (GIM. Sin. sobr. 120 (262)), carried out in 2015 in Tyumen. The publication received numerous praise in the local press, was among the winners of the competition for the best book. Meanwhile, the reference of the manuscript to the authorship of Philofei (Leshchinsky), established in science, raises great objections. The study of the manuscript does not give the right to make such conclusions. The authors express new assumptions about the reasons for the creation of the manuscript and its popularity among readers. The quality of translation, which does not take into account many peculiarities of the manuscript’s language (syntactic, morphological, and stylistic), is equally doubtful, as is the quality of its translation, which distorts the meaning and individual features of the language. The design of the edition does not meet modern requirements to the accuracy of the source of illustrations.  

Keywords Philofei Leshchinsky, Sibirskij Lestvichnik, Orthodox culture, edition of Old Russian manuscripts 
Full text version of the article. Article language  Russian
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Tags: chronicle, RECENSIONES / REVIEWS, Philofei Leshchinsky, Orthodox culture, DERGACHEVA-SKOP E.I., SOBOLEVA L.S.