Polyvyannyy, Dmitriy Igorevich. From syncretism to Christianization: Historiography approaches to the religiosity of the early medieval Bulgars

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For citation: Polyvyannyy, Dmitriy Igorevich. From syncretism to Christianization: Historiography approaches to the religiosity of the early medieval BulgarsFrom syncretism to Christianization: Historiography approaches to the religiosity of the early medieval Bulgars, in Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana. 2018. № 2. Pp. 197-206. DOI https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu19.2018.211. 

Title of the article From syncretism to Christianization: Historiography approaches to the religiosity of the early medieval BulgarsFrom syncretism to Christianization: Historiography approaches to the religiosity of the early medieval Bulgars
Authors Polyvyannyy, Dmitriy Igorevich — Doctor in History, Professor, Ivanovo State University, Ivanovo, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; OrcID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3680-5508; Скопус ID 57063444800
In the section  Recensiones / Reviews
Year 2018 Issue  2 Pages  197-206
Type of article RAR Index UDK; BBK 94(497.2); 63.3(4)4 Index DOI  https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu19.2018.211
Abstract It is a review of the book «Religions in Pagan Bulgaria (Historiographical Approaches 1980–2015)» by the Bulgarian medievalist Tsvetelin Stepanov (Stepanov, Tsvetelin. Religii v ezicheska Bălgariya (Istoriografski podhodi 1980–2015). Sofiya: Paradigma Publ., 2017. 255 p.). Ts. Stepanov’s new work represents the religious situation in the early medieval Bulgaria through the analysis of the Bulgarian historiography of 1980–2015 on a broad comparative historical background and in the light of modern methodological approaches. The reviewer considers Ts. Stepanov’s book as an indicator of the methodological transition from the «revolutionary» model of knowledge development according to T. Kuhn to the «program» model of its growth following I. Lakatos. The reviewer believes that such a transition is necessary for the research of the religious situation in the territory where in the 7th–9th centuries there was a complex interaction between the remnants of the autochthonous and alien population groups, including the early Bulgars and Slavs, which resulted in the creation of the early medieval Bulgarian state.It is a review of the book «Religions in Pagan Bulgaria (Historiographical Approaches 1980–2015)» by the Bulgarian medievalist Tsvetelin Stepanov (Stepanov, Tsvetelin. Religii v ezicheska Bălgariya (Istoriografski podhodi 1980–2015). Sofiya: Paradigma Publ., 2017. 255 p.). Ts. Stepanov’s new work represents the religious situation in the early medieval Bulgaria through the analysis of the Bulgarian historiography of 1980–2015 on a broad comparative historical background and in the light of modern methodological approaches. The reviewer considers Ts. Stepanov’s book as an indicator of the methodological transition from the «revolutionary» model of knowledge development according to T. Kuhn to the «program» model of its growth following I. Lakatos. The reviewer believes that such a transition is necessary for the research of the religious situation in the territory where in the 7th–9th centuries there was a complex interaction between the remnants of the autochthonous and alien population groups, including the early Bulgars and Slavs, which resulted in the creation of the early medieval Bulgarian state.
Keywords early medieval Bulgaria, Tengrianism, Zoroastrianism, Mithraism, syncretism, Christianizationearly medieval Bulgaria, Tengrianism, Zoroastrianism, Mithraism, syncretism, Christianization
Full text version of the article. Article language  Russian
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