Zagornov A.A. [Kiselev A. A. Systema upravleniya i chinovnichestvo byelorusskich gubernij v konce 18 - pervoj polovine 19 v. Minsk: UO "Military Academy of the Byelorus Republic", 2007. 171 p.]

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Title of the article  [Kiselev A. A. Systema upravleniya i chinovnichestvo byelorusskich gubernij v konce 18 - pervoj polovine 19 v. Minsk: UO "Military Academy of the Byelorus Republic", 2007. 171 p.]
Authors  Zagornov A.A. - The Brest State University of a Name of A.S.Pushkin
In the section  Recensionis/ Reviews
Year 2008 Issue  1 Pages 143-146 
Type of article RAR Index UDK  94(476) Index BBK  
Abstract The review of the monograph, written by byelorussian historian. It was devoted to the studies of the power system of Byelorussian region in the second half of the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries.
Keywords Russian Empire, history of Byelorussia, state power
Full text version of the article Article language  russian


Tags: Russian Empire, history of Byelorussia, state power