Lobin, Aleksey Nikolaevich, Vasily III message to the Emperor Charles V dated from June 26, 1522: A text reconstructionapproach

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Title of the article Vasily III message to the Emperor Charles V dated from June 26, 1522: A text reconstructionapproach
Authors Lobin, Aleksey Nikolaevich
In the section Fontes / Historical sources
Year 2013 Issue 1 Pages 130-141
Type of article RAR Index UDK 94(47).042+94(476) Index BBK 63.3(2)44
Abstract In this article the author takes an attempt to reconstruct the original message fromVassili III on the basis of its Latin translation. The correspondence of 1522–1523 has been involved for that purpose. Documents from foreign archives are published in the Annex (Königsberg secretarchive collection — GStAPK, Archivo general de Simancas — AGS).
Keywords Charles V, Vasily III, Russian-Imperian relations, the Teutonic Order in Prussia
Full text version of the article Article language Russian
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Tags: Charles V, Russian-Imperian relations, Teutonic Order in Prussia