Krapivin, Mikhail Yurievich; Shaposhnik, Vyacheslav Valentinovich. «You are given the opportunity to open a library of Ivan the Terrible»: operational materials Main Directorate of State Security NKVD another attempt Detection of the legendary library col

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«You are given the opportunity to open a library of Ivan the Terrible»: operational materials Main Directorate of State Security NKVD another attempt Detection of the legendary library collection (July–August 1937)


Krapivin, Mikhail Yurievich – Doctor of History, Professor, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Scopus ID 57203179686

Shaposhnik, Vyacheslav Valentinovich – Doctor of History, Professor, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; OrcID; Scopus ID 57203192817; Scopus ID 56292201400

In the section Fontes / Historical Sources
Year 2018 Issue 1 Pages 115-125
Type of article RAR Index UDK; BBK

UDK 94(47).043; BBK 63.3(2)

Index DOI

The research was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project № 18-09-00299-А.

The archival publication is devoted to history of investigations of “library” of Ivan the Terrible. Many prominent scientists who believed that it could remain so far have been convinced of existence of the unique book collection which was presumably including works of antique authors yet not known to science. Proofs that imperial “library” really existed are provided in introductory article. Also history of her searches which have concentrated mainly in the territory of the Moscow Kremlin is described. In the 19th century the Kremlin vaults were investigated by E. Tremer and N. S. Shcherbatov, and in 1933-1934 I. Ya. Stelletsky. However during searches nothing connected with imperial “library” has been found. In the published documents it is told about events of summer of 1937 when addressed to I. V. Stalin a certain I. E. Mayorov's letter with the instruction on the possible location of a book meeting of the Moscow sovereigns has arrived. It was talked of the underpasses beginning in cellars being at home princes Yusupov in Moscow. The case has been submitted for trial to Head department of state security of the People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the USSR. As it is possible to understand from documents, everything was limited to “paper work”, real searches weren’t carried out.

Keywords Ivan IV, the royal library, Moscow, I. Ya. Stelletsky, F. F. Yusupov, I. V. Stalin, Head department of state security of the People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the USSR
Full text version of the article. Article language Russian
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Tags: Ivan the Terrible, Moscow state, Moscovia, Royal library, I. Ya. Stelletsky, FONTES / HISTORICAL SOURCES