Mel’nikov, Georgiy Pavlovich. Historical transformations of the Czech identity: from the Middle Ages to the early Modern Era

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Historical transformations of the Czech identity: from the Middle Ages to the early Modern Era
Authors Mel’nikov, Georgiy Pavlovich — Ph. D. in History, Institute of Slavic Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia,
Year 2017 Issue 2 Pages 5-21
Type of article RAR Index UDK; BBK BBK 63.3(4Чеш); UDK 94(437) Index DOI 10.21638/11701/spbu19.2017.201
Concept of the Czech ethnic, state and historical identity had been formed in the 11th–12th centuries, earlier than that of the other European nations. Czech society was realized as integral ethnic-state organism based on the historical legend about Czech genesis and building of the state power (fore-father Czech and so called vocation of Přemysl the Ploughman). This legend is unique in the European state ideology. Saint Václav cult added the aspect of unity of the sacral, church and state spheres to Czech identity. In the 14th century, the Charles IV epoch, Czech kingdom became the new state and religious center of the Hole Roman Empire and Europe. This elevation transformed Czech self-consciousness to higher level. New feature of Czech ideology was formed it is the idea of God-elect Czech nation. The hussite ideology in the 15th century transformed this idea to the ethnic-confessional form. The Hussite revolution disrupted Czech society into two confessional groups and delivered a blow to the Czech identity as integral medieval nation. Recatholisation of the Czech Lands in the Baroque epoch transformed Czech identity again and much more. Czech mentality was changed. New idea of the returning of the hussite prodigal son to Catholicism was formed. In the conditions of the integration into Habsburg Empire, developing of the so called land patriotism and people catholic Christianity created Jan Nepomucký as a new Czech national saint, Czechs preserved their language and ethnic and cultural identity.
Keywords Czechs, identity, self-consciousness, history, Middle Ages, New Time
Full text version of the article. Article language Russain
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Tags: identity, Middle Ages, New Time, self-consciousness, Czechs, Slavic Congress, DISPUTATIO / DISCUSSION