Novaković, Bojan. Sclavinia Dioclea: From Antic Traditions to Byzantine Influences

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Title of the article Sclavinia Dioclea: From Antic Traditions to Byzantine Influences
Authors Novaković, Bojan — curator historian, Museums and Galleries of Nikšić, Montenegro, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Scopus ID 57193097260
In the section Miscellanea / Miscellanea
Year 2016 Issue 2 Pages 112-135
Type of article RAR Index UDK; BBK 94(497.1); 63.3(4Юго.Сер) DOI 10.21638/11701/spbu19.2016.208
Abstract The subject of this analysis shall be the earliest history of the medieval principality of Dioclea. It originates from a sclavinia created at the south-eastern part of then roman province Dalmatia, where a new province Praevalitana was formed during the reign of Diocletian (284–305). The centre of the sclavinia consists of remains of the antic town Doclea after which the principality itself was named, while an array of the fortified roman cities that survived the migration period is located along the shore it gravitates to. The core of indigenous people remained in itssouthern neighbourhood, the territory which Slovenian colonisation has touched at a lower scale and the Byzantium quickly regained its control over that area. This is the reason why Dioclea, being the southernmost Dalmatian principality, has been the one the most exposed to the Byzantine influence especially since the early 9th century, when Theme of Dyrrhachium was founded. Roman population sustained its presence the longest in the mountainous areas and in agers of the Roman cities. Development of the Slovenian principality and embracing of the culture-enhancing attainments was significantly enabled by the symbiosis of the Slovenian and Roman population, primarily in the areas of the said agers. Dioclea also felt the influence of the Bulgarian invasion to the hinterland of Dyrrhachium, which resulted in Dioclea’s being imprisoned in a triangle between Byzantium, Bulgaria and Serbia. Its future political position shall depend on the power ratio of these three countries. During the reign of Vasilije I (867–886), Byzantium has experienced a growth severely experienced in the basin of the Adriatic Sea, so the Dalmatian Slovenians become subject to its supreme authority. As can be concluded, over the course of 9th century, the Byzantium authority over Dioclea was much more prominent and immediate as compared to other Dalmatian principalities.
Keywords Dioclea, Diocletian, Slavic-Roman simbyosis, christianization, Theme of Dyrrhachium, De administrando imperio.
Full text version of the article. Article language Russian
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Tags: Christianization, De administrando imperio, MISCELLANEA / MISCELLANEA, Dioclea, Diocletian, Slavic-Roman simbyosis, Theme of Dyrrhachium, NOVAKOVICH B.