Maiorov, A. V. Batu Khan’s conquest of Southern Rus: to the interpretation of one the news by Rashid al-Din

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Title of the article Batu Khan’s conquest of Southern Rus: to the interpretation of one the news by Rashid al-Din
Authors Maiorov, Alexander Vyacheslavovich - Doctor of History, Professor, Head of the Department of Museology, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the section Miscellanea / Miscellanea
Year 2015 Issue 1 Pages 169-181
Type of article RAR Index UDK   Index BBK  

The article concludes that the above Rashid al-Din in the story of the conquest of southern Russia by the Mongols proper names Uladmur and Uchogul Uladmur can not be linked to the historical place names of Galicia-Volyn land. The town's "three sonsofVladimir"was taken immediately after the fall of Kiev and had to be in the land of Kiev.Mongolian Uladmur title was associated with the name of Prince Vladimir Rurikovich which occupied Kiev throne shortly before the invasion of the Mongols in southern Russia and led peace negotiations with the Prince Munke. According to the presentedRashid al-Din version, after taking of Uladmur Batu troops met no more no resistance until the beginning of military operations in Hungary and Poland. Using the tactics of the raid, to which, according to the same source, the Mongols passed after the fall of Kiev, certainly it indicates that the capture of the cities of Galicia-Volyn Rus invaders did not need to concentrate considerable military force, as was the case during the assault on the city of Vladimir and Suzdal. Localization cities Uladmur and UchogulUladmur within Kiev land is generally consistent with the information of the Russian chronicles the absence of any significant resistanceto the Mongolsfromresidents of Galicia and Volyn,who were abandoned by their princes to fend for themselves. About flight Galician-Volyn princes outside of Russia on the eve of the enemy invasion the marshals of the Mongols was known in advance.

Keywords Rashid al-Din, the invasion of Batu, Galicia-Volyn land, Kyiv land.
Full text version of the article. Article language Russian
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Tags: Kyiv land, Galicia-Volyn land, invasion of Batu, Rashid al-Din, MISCELLANEA / MISCELLANEA