Gorun, H. Romania’s Relations with France and Russia and Bucharest’s fears concerning a Bulgarian offensive (Fall of 1915 – August 1916). Some French documentary evidence

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Title of the article Romania’s Relations with France and Russia and Bucharest’s fears concerning a Bulgarian offensive (Fall of 1915 – August 1916). Some French documentary evidence
Authors Gorun, Hadrian - Ph. D. in History, Associate Professor,  «Constantin Brâncuşi» University of Târgu Jiu, Romania, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the section Commentarii / Articles
Year 2015 Issue 1 Pages 29-41
Type of article RAR Index UDK   Index BBK  

This study points out some significant aspects of the relations between Romanian Kingdom and France and a few episodes of Romania’s relations with Russia as well since the fall of the year 1915 until August 1916. I also tried to analyse the birth and the evolution of the Romanian apprehensions regarding Bulgaria’s intentions. So, from methodological point of view, I used somehow a multilateral approach. My paper is based mainly upon documents from French diplomatic archives of Quai d’Orsay. In the autumn of the year 1915, Bulgaria joined Central Powers. Romania, still in neutrality, feared and rejected the possibility to fight on two fronts. In this case, Romania had to face two enemies, the Dualist monarchy of Austria-Hungary, in the North and the Kingdom of Bulgaria, in the South. The possible danger from the South of the Danube worried Ion I. C. Brătianu’s government. This was one of the main reasons for which Romania has delayed the military intervention against Austria-Hungary. The probability of a Bulgarian offensive against the Southern border of the country delayed the decision of intervention of the Romanian government. In order to enter the war, the authorities from Bucharest asked for Russian troops in Dobruja. These troops had to be able to help Romanian army. As the military agreement of August 1916 stipulated, the Allied Army of Salonika had to begin an offensive in order to prevent a Bulgarian attack against Romania. Romania’s entry into the World War I had to begin eight days after the offensive from Salonika. This army had also to counteract the most important part of the Bulgarian troops. In conclusion, if the relations between Bucharest and Petrograd improved immediately after the beginning of the First World War, Romania’s relations with its Southern neighbour remained strained. Actually, some of Romania’s apprehensions regarding Russia persisted as well. Finally Romania and Bulgaria adhered to rival belligerent blocks and became enemies in World War I.

Keywords Entente, Romania, Bulgaria, fears, the Army from Salonika, Ion I. C. Brătianu
Full text version of the article. Article language English
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Tags: Romania, Entente, Bulgariа, fears, Army from Salonika, Ion I. C. Brătianu