Grala, Hieronim. "In der Tyrannen Hand": Russian colonization of Livonia in the second half of the 16th century. Plans and results

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Title of the article «In der Tyrannen Hand»: Russian colonization of Livonia in the second half of the 16th century. Plans and results
Authors Grala, Hieronim — Doctor of history, Head of the «Comissio Polono-russica» of Faculty «Artes Liberales» in Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland,
In the section Miscellanea / Miscellanea
Year 2014 Issue 2 Pages 175-193
Type of article RAR Index UDK 94(47).043 Index BBK 63.3(2)44
Abstract The Author reviews the Russian policy in Livonia in 1558–1582, attempts of legitimation of Ivan’s rights to the hard-won lands. The paper describes contacts with local residents, administrative problems of Tsar’s bureaucracy, social and economic peculiarities of Russian colonization, religious and national Muscovy’s policy.

The Author emphasizes special features of colonization. This colonization had an exclusive typein the history of territorial expantion of Muscovy. In contrast to the conquests of Kazan and Astrakhan’ Khaganates the annexion of Livonia passed at the densely populated territory with many strongholds and castles, peopled by Christians.

The process of Livonian subjugation had been very hard. Several offices were in charge of admimistration of new territories at once: Razryadny Prikaz, Zemsky Prikaz, Gorodovoj Prikaz. The Russian immigrants to Livonia became the special problem. They had differing culture and traditions of behaviour. The «the apple of Sodom» brought the policy of discrimination of residential population. Germans and Letts supported king Stephan Bathory during the last years of Livonian War (for example ― the capture of Wenden in 1577). Toleration, which was promised to Livonians, had limited use, and was at variance with «Orthodoxy Rekonkista». Tsar’s administration in Livonia could not solve none key problems.

Keywords Livonian War, Ivan IV the Terrible, Tsardom of Russia
Full text version of the article. Article language russian
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Tags: Ivan the Terrible, MISCELLANEA / MISCELLANEA, Tsardom of Russia