Aksenov, Vladislav Benovich. Technique and its phobic images in the everyday consciousness of ordinary Russian people in 1914–1916

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For citation: Aksenov, Vladislav Benovich. Technique and its phobic images in the everyday consciousness of ordinary Russian people in 1914–1916, in Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana. 2019. № 1. Pp. 38-52. DOI https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu19.2019.103.

Title of the article Technique and its phobic images in the everyday consciousness of ordinary Russian people in 1914–1916
Authors Aksenov, Vladislav Benovich – PhD in history, senior researcher, Institute of Russian history, Russian Academe of Science, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., OrcID http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2716-7700, SPIN-cod 5269-6667
In the section  Commentarii / Articles
Year 2019 Issue  1 Pages  38-52
Type of article RAR Index UDK  94 (47) “1914/1916” Index BBK  63.3(0)53
Abstract The formed phobic images of military equipment in the psychological state of Russian society during the First World War is considered in article. It is emphasized that the war led to the neuroticization of the society, in which the number of mentally ill people increased. The general anxiety contributed to the interpretation of the war as a sign of the impending apocalypse, in accordance with which monstrous images of weapons – guns, aircraft, tanks – were created. At the same time, the attitude towards technical inventions that had long entered the everyday life of the inhabitants – binoculars, cameras, cars - changed. In the conditions of growing spy mania they turned into spy attributes. Despite the fact that a number of images borrowed from art and fantasy works were not known to the peasants, many villagers also developed fears, mainly before airplanes, which the townsfolk often used to settle accounts with their neighbourhood: the German colonists and landlords.
Keywords  the First World War, thing in  history, military equipment, phobias, mass consciousness
Full text version of the article. Article language  Russian
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