Osipian A.L. Allusions to the ancient Rome in the description of Lemberg/Lviv in Ioannes Alembek's "Topographia civitatis Leopolitanae" (1603-1605)

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Title of the article  Allusions to the ancient Rome in the description of Lemberg/Lviv in Ioannes Alembek's "Topographia civitatis Leopolitanae" (1603-1605)
Authors  Osipian A.L. - Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities (Ukraine)
In the section  Miscellanea / Miscellanea
Year 2010 Issue Pages  195-212
Type of article RAR Index UDK  94(477).04 Index BBK  
Abstract  Description of the city of Lviv or Leopolis was written by the local apothecary Ioannes Alembek (Alnpekius) and published in the sixth volume of the Georg Braun's atlas "Civitates orbis terrarum" (Koln, 1617). The full original version was written between 1603 and 1605 under the title "Topographia civitatis Leopolitanae". Alembek's text was a part of the neo-Latin literature with its cult of ancient patterns and references to the Roman or Trojan origins of many European nations and cities. Alembek was more accurate author since he avoided such sensational "discoveries" as well as local legends and oral tradition in his writing. On the other hand, Alembek wrote to glorify his native city and did not miss an opportunity to make a sophisticated comparison of his native Lviv with the eternal Rome. For these purposes he used literal allusions and loci communes not the direct comparison. For my opinion Alembek used Jiovanni Bartholomeo Marliani's "Topographia antiquae Romae" (1534) as narrative matrix for his own description of Lviv.
Keywords Rome, literature of the 17th cent, Lviv, Rzecz Pospolita
Full text version of the article Article language  russian

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Tags: Rzecz Pospolita, literature of the 17th cent, Rome, Lviv